Medegefinancierd door de Europese Unie

Co-financed by the European Union

Mede gefinancierd in het kader van de respons van de Unie op de COVID-19-Pandemie.

Co-funded in the context of the Union’s response to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Developing future-oriented crisis solving solutions with the EU.

Pandora Intelligence develops Crisis Control, an application that allows partners in the prevention and response of a crisis to work together on the basis of a Common Operational View. For this, Pandora Intelligence receives a contribution from the European Regional Development Fund.
Various agencies work together to combat disasters, crises and disturbances. Each of these bodies has its own information needs and most of these bodies have their own information system.
Recent evaluations have shown that crises are exacerbated when large amounts of information cannot be understood and shared. Recommendations from these evaluations mention the need for a “Common Operational View” on the basis of which:

  1. Incidents should be predicted more easily
  2. individual emergency services should be able to operate and collaborate more efficiently
  3. services should be able to scale seamlessly to a more complex command structure

In order to facilitate a forward-looking crisis response, Pandora Intelligence is developing a platform that combines historical data, current information and streaming data into a ‘Common Operational Image’. Based on this, emergency services can intervene more efficiently in crisis situations, individually and in conjunction with each other. The Common Operational Picture is visualized on a map with several map layers, whereby it is possible to view the situation from the perspective of a specific emergency response agency but also from the perspective of the citizen.
It is the first time that different types of open and closed data will be merged into one operational image that can be used by different parties in different ways. “Introducing different ‘perspectives’ on the same incident is something that is challenging but also promises to be very valuable,” said Ard Jol, CEO of Pandora Intelligence, “In addition, in this project we focused on a wide range of incident types such as critical infrastructure, cybercrime but also ‘unprecedented crises’ such as the curfew riots”.

One of the important developments that will be made possible in this project is the building of a knowledge database with historical international incidents. Crisis fighters can learn from hundreds of lessons learned by colleagues in other countries in comparable situations.

The European Union has allocated a contribution for the further development of Crisis Control. The contribution comes from a scheme of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
About Pandora Intelligence Pandora Intelligence developed a scenario platform that enables the discovery of narratives in large amounts of data. The platform is capable of structuring and bringing together data from different open and closed sources, recognizing patterns, and generating operational scenarios from it. The scenario platform is currently mainly used in the security domain.
About Kansen voor West In the Kansen voor West program, the four major cities (Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam and Utrecht) and the Randstad provinces (North and South Holland, Utrecht and Flevoland) have joined forces, with the aim of developing the Randstad to grow into one of the economically strongest metropolitan regions in Europe. The contribution of Kansen voor West comes from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).